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"Very fast shipping! Perfect!"
The shipping of my order was very fast. In just 48 hours we received the kibble at home. Everything was perfect! I will definitely repurchase again on...
"Table service all to review at hotel's Berlin rooftop terrace"
The rooftop terrace of the hotel in question located in Berlin is undoubtedly spectacular. Very good quality of the food. Unfortunately, the offer is really...
"Nice view but horrible service"
Today we visited the Roof top terrace at Hotel de Rome in Berlin, hoping to enjoy lunch with a nice view. Unfortunatelly, the menu is very very short, half...
"Table service all to review at hotel's Berlin rooftop terrace"
The rooftop terrace of the hotel in question located in Berlin is undoubtedly spectacular. Very good quality of the food. Unfortunately, the offer is really...
"Nice view but horrible service"
Today we visited the Roof top terrace at Hotel de Rome in Berlin, hoping to enjoy lunch with a nice view. Unfortunatelly, the menu is very very short, half...
"Nice view but horrible service"
Today we visited the Roof top terrace at Hotel de Rome in Berlin, hoping to enjoy lunch with a nice view. Unfortunatelly, the menu is very very short, half...
"If they make a mistake, you pay for it!"
I had an order cancelled, to them saying they made a mistake in uploading the price on the on Line shop. Contacted by customer service saying I made a...
"If they make a mistake, you pay for it!"
I had an order cancelled, to them saying they made a mistake in uploading the price on the on Line shop. Contacted by customer service saying I made a...
"would not do a refund unless you post positive feedback about them on facebook"
They would not do a refund unless you post positive feedback about them on facebook and it took 5 weeks to get my money back. The clothing did not match at...
"If they make a mistake, you pay for it!"
I had an order cancelled, to them saying they made a mistake in uploading the price on the on Line shop. Contacted by customer service saying I made a...
"would not do a refund unless you post positive feedback about them on facebook"
They would not do a refund unless you post positive feedback about them on facebook and it took 5 weeks to get my money back. The clothing did not match at...
"Not recommended at all"
I cannot recommend this store at all!!! I ordered bike shoes, which I had a total of 8 weeks in my possession, of which only four weeks worn and the shoes...
"would not do a refund unless you post positive feedback about them on facebook"
They would not do a refund unless you post positive feedback about them on facebook and it took 5 weeks to get my money back. The clothing did not match at...
"Not recommended at all"
I cannot recommend this store at all!!! I ordered bike shoes, which I had a total of 8 weeks in my possession, of which only four weeks worn and the shoes...
"Hands off this store"
I bought the game and never received it, nor any information about the delivery. This is a scam store!
"Not recommended at all"
I cannot recommend this store at all!!! I ordered bike shoes, which I had a total of 8 weeks in my possession, of which only four weeks worn and the shoes...
"Hands off this store"
I bought the game and never received it, nor any information about the delivery. This is a scam store!
We made an online reservation a few weeks before the start of our stay, for a transfer from Alicante Airport to Benidorm... On September 2, 2024, once we...
"Hands off this store"
I bought the game and never received it, nor any information about the delivery. This is a scam store!
We made an online reservation a few weeks before the start of our stay, for a transfer from Alicante Airport to Benidorm... On September 2, 2024, once we...
"My parcel hasn't arrived so I want my money back!"
Hi, I recently ordered and paid for a cell phone from you. According to the delivery information, it was supposed to arrive on September 11 (yesterday), but...
We made an online reservation a few weeks before the start of our stay, for a transfer from Alicante Airport to Benidorm... On September 2, 2024, once we...
"My parcel hasn't arrived so I want my money back!"
Hi, I recently ordered and paid for a cell phone from you. According to the delivery information, it was supposed to arrive on September 11 (yesterday), but...
"Very fast shipping! Perfect!"
The shipping of my order was very fast. In just 48 hours we received the kibble at home. Everything was perfect! I will definitely repurchase again on...
"My parcel hasn't arrived so I want my money back!"
Hi, I recently ordered and paid for a cell phone from you. According to the delivery information, it was supposed to arrive on September 11 (yesterday), but...
"Very fast shipping! Perfect!"
The shipping of my order was very fast. In just 48 hours we received the kibble at home. Everything was perfect! I will definitely repurchase again on...
"Table service all to review at hotel's Berlin rooftop terrace"
The rooftop terrace of the hotel in question located in Berlin is undoubtedly spectacular. Very good quality of the food. Unfortunately, the offer is really...
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